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new adventures coming soon
We focus on the
practice of LIGHTING
& making portraits
Symposium catalog
Current Symposiums / Collaborations / Creator Days
Upcoming symposiums
See the blog articles & catalog for more information
Freestyle Portrait Walks
Symposium Coach - Lori Patrick
September 15 / October 6 / November 3
Choose your date in the CATALOG
You are invited to make portraits at the industrial chic Art Factory with Lori Patrick as your coach.
We will visit and set up in different areas throughout the day for different light scenarios and background looks.
As a freestyle, you will work on your own or with other participants.
You will bring your own 'model' who can be simply be a friend or family member that wants to experience this training with you.
**Symposium has a large wardrobe availbale for styling.
Lori will set the scenarios as we stay close by to each other and then coach you along if wanted or needed.
You may bring your own lighting or work with ours.
Window - Constant or Strobe plus flagging, diffusion and reflective materials. We have static backgrounds too!
This get to know us offering is only $100 for the day!
Lighting Technique for the Modern Portrait
Symposium Instructor - Lori Patrick
April 9 & 10
July 15 & 16
We have separate dates in the catalog!
Ready to experience new ideas and practice lighting for your portrait work?
Day 1 is practicing Available Window Light and Constant Lighting.
We will use reflection, diffusion, flagging and also open shade and distancing. Then we will review images taken and talk about the light effects and do some toning to further the process.
Day 2 is practicing strobe. Bring your own, or utilize ours.
Please understand your equipment before class.
We will work with diffusion and bounce, along with flagging.
Also placement power levels for different results and styles.
After lunch we will work on our images in post processing as Lori shares her personal techniques on toning and color grading.
This is an opt in day!
Fine Art Portrait Masterclass
Symposium Instructor - Jason Buff
April 27 & 28 (finished but will be back)
"Each workshop focuses on three primary topics. We will discuss planning phase that happens before the photo shoot. Then, we'll spend the majority of the day shooting and creating images with a variety of lighting styles and easy-to-follow posing techniques. After a quick break, we'll focus on editing in Photoshop and how to take your images to the next level at both an intermediate and advanced level. It's absolutely key to master each stage of the process and my workshops are designed to help you get on track and overcome the obstacles that have been keeping you from reaching your full potential. Although I recommend everyone has at least an intermediate level with photography and editing with Photoshop, my class is open to anyone who is interested in learning." -Buff
Artistic Seductions / Fine Art Boudoir
Symposium Instructor - Jessica Lark
May 5 & 6 (finished but will be back)
Day 1: The Artistry: There will be gorgeous models wandering the property, awaiting you to play with them. We’ll look at lighting, posing, client interaction in an intimate setting with a beautiful backdrop… if you need coaching, this is the time, if you’re confident and want to play, this is the place.
Day 2: The Business: Pricing, Collections, 4 figure sales, Marketing, Branding, Social Media, Client Sales. Everything you need to know about beginning, revamping, running your business happens on this day. I’ll share all my marketing materials and contracts, pricing, and the companies I work with, how I get and sell my clients, and how I built my business with zero advertising dollars, and how you can do the same. Theres lots of Q & A time to address specific concerns and obstacles you may be facing. And the models will be available again so that when you are bored or overflowing with all the information you can take a creativity break and work on your portfolio instead. -Jessica Lark
This is an opt in day!
The SYmposium blog
New SYMPOSIUM offerings, showcase articles & more
August 16, 2024Wanting to add more services for your practice or portfolio work, let's FREESTYLE. Lori will try...March 20, 2024 · SYMPOSIUMS,GENERALPortrait Symposium Instructor - JESSICA LARK Artistic Seductions / Fine Art Boudoir Portrait ...March 8, 2024 · SYMPOSIUMS,GENERAL"Each workshop focuses on three primary topics. We will discuss planning phase that happens...February 21, 2024 · SYMPOSIUMS,CLUBHOUSE,CREATORSLighting Technique for the Modern Portrait is for 2 days with class hours 10:00 to 4:00 ...- Sign Up TO FOLLOW THE NEXT SYMPOSIUM ANNOUNCEMENTS
B&H Photo / video
"We believe in making customers, not sales. That's why we've perfected the "art of the downsell": we'll always recommend the best options based on your specific needs, rather than the price tag. The customer comes first, second and third at B&H."
FJ Westcott
Involved in manufacturing umbrellas since 1899 Westcott has a long history of designing innovative, high-quality products.
Founded in 2005 out of a desire to help photographers see the world and capture the moment, Think Tank designs and creates high quality travel gear for the world’s venturing observers.
Photo Communiqué
Photo Communiqué was launched is 2014 as a online magazine of sorts. With the desire to have a chronicle of interesting stories for photographers and with a nod to education, Lori Patrick takes her ability to create community and foster it here.
We All Need a Raison D'être
That's the elegant, French way to say 'our reason for being'. Why we're here. Everybody needs one to surf the highs and lows of business and laugh during the ride. Ours is one that is easy to get behind— it's you.

Photographer Education
featuring Portrait Walks
hosted by Lori Patrick
MAIL : in care of
Lori Patrick, LLC
c/o Americus Hotel
541 Hamilton St. Suite 810
Allentown, PA
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©2025 Portrait Symposium [ a division of Photo Communiqué ]
Thanks for supporting the mission via our partner affiliates on this website.
Hosted by Lori Patrick @loripatrickimages on IG
Find videos pertaining to Portrait Symposium on You Tube Channel. @photocommuniquetv
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